Use of
prohibited weapons by the Saudi coalition, October 2015 Verwendung verbotener Waffen durch die
saudische Koalition, Oktober 2015 Khaled Ali, victim
of a Saudi coalition air raid at Tihama, Hodeida
province, is severely wounded by shrapnells. Doctors
at the Republican hospital in Sanaa never had seen
such injuries before Khaled
Ali, Opfer eines Luftschlag der saudischen Koalition in der Tihama, Provinz Hodeida, ist
von Geschosssplittern schwer verwundet. Die
Ärzte im Republik-Krankenhaus in Sanaa haben noch
nie solche Wunden gesehen. Haut, Muskeln, Nerven und Blutgefäße sind bis
herunter auf die Knochen völlig zerstört. Die
Ärzte im Jemen können hier nichts tun und bitten um internationale Hilfe. Images –
Bilder: Film:
coalition uses internationally prohibited weapons on Yemeni civilians Khaled Ali from Tihama
in Al-Hodeidah governorate in Yemen is a victim of
the internationally prohibited weapons used by the Saudi-led coalition on
Yemeni civilians. The victims arrived to the burns
center at the Republican hospital in the capital where doctors reported that
they had never witnessed such brutal and violent injuries from weapons used
by the coalition to date. The shrapnel injury causes a total break down of skin and muscular tissue as well as nerve
and vein death and the degeneration of the muscle goes down to the bone.
Doctors expressed their shock and dismay at their inability to provide assistance
to the victims and have asked for foreign medical experts to assist. Images –
Bilder: Films: