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The shelling of Zorinsk, Lugansk Oblast, by Uragan rockets, Feb. 8: 5 killed, 50 wounded, part 1: The night of shelling


Die Bombardierung von Zorinsk, Oblast Lugansk, mit Uragan-Raketen,

8. Februar 2015: 5 Tote, 50 Verletzte, Teil 1: Die Nacht der Bombardierung



Ukrainian armed forces attacked from multiple launch rocket systems "Smerch" in two self-proclaimed city of Luhansk People's Republic. The attack was carried out at night and in the evening, many civilians do not have time to escape from the fire. As a result, five people were killed, 50 wounded.

The city Zorinsk direct hit explosive projectile completely destroyed a two-story house. From the rubble trying to get the body of 53-year-old woman. She managed to survive. At the next street shells razed three wooden houses, there is also not without casualties. Elderly man literally torn explosion.

APU started beating around the city at six o'clock in the evening. Artillery strikes on the private sector was applied by Lysychansk that controls the Ukrainian army. After four hours of cluster bombs have exploded 15 kilometers from Zorinsk, in Bryanka.One of a dozen shells fell on the road. The blast overturned 12-ton car "Ural", in which there were militia. They were seriously injured.

Witnesses believe that Bryanka adjust fire security officials helped sabotage group gunners. According to militia, half an hour before the fire in the center of someone released a flare. The shelling of the APU were exclusively social facilities. In addition to residential homes destroyed facade garment factory "Bryankovchanka."

- We fed this factory, we are now out of work. We are 80 people, as we continue to live, I do not know. Once pitched our company, we will go to war, too, come in abandage and polchenie eat cook militias - says tive Itza Bryanka.

Report: (translated by Google translator)



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Burning gas pipe next to a burning house    Brennende Gasleitung vor einem brennenden Haus





Uragan rocket    Uragan Rakete


Uragan rocket    Uragan Rakete





A drawer with clothes, they try to safe their belongings  – Schublade mit Kleidung, sie versuchen, ihre Sachen zu retten


Rebel fighters are helping, he carries a drawer    Rebellenkämpfer versuchen zu helfen, er trägt eine Schublade



And here he brings a coat out of the house    Und hier bringt er einen Mantell aus dem Haus


Looking inside from he broken window of the kitchen    Blick nach innen durch das zerbrochene Küchenfenster


Looking through the same window, in the back part of the house it’s already burning

Blick durch dasselbe Fenster, im hinteren Teil des Hauses brennt es schon


Saving a tray from the kitchen    Er rettet eine Schublade aus der Küche



And back again to take the next tray    Und wieder zurück für die nächts Schublade


From the outside, the roof is now completeley burning, still the man in the kitchen, a rebel fighter at the window

Von außen, das Dach voll in Brand, der Mann immer noch in der Küche, ein Rebellenkämpfer am Fenster



And again a rebel fighter carrying some clothes outside

Und wieder ein Rebellenkämpfer, der Kleidung herausbringt


In the house…


In the house…


The owner and a rebel fighter still in the kitchen    der Besitzer und ein Rebellenkämpfer immer noch in der Küche



More to the right, the fire meanwhile is breaking through into the kitchen…

Mehr nach rechts, bricht das Feuer mittlerweile in die Küche durch…


And still more to the righ, it seems an electricity cable now is on fire

Und noch mehr nach rechts, offenbar ist ein Stromkabel in Brand geraten



Again the gas pipe    Wieder die Gasleitung







A table in another house  – Ein Tisch in einem anderen Haus


House compeletely burning down    Das Haus brennt völlig nieder





All images shown from film:

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